Supply of machinery, machining centers, lathes and equipment and components for the production of milk and meat
Firtina Pazarlama Loji is an experienced and competent partner in the supply of metalworking equipment, special equipment for metalworking, as well as supply lathes and equipment and components for the production of milk and meat.
We are engaged in supply of high quality metalworking equipment from the best Asian and European manufacturers. We offer equipment and components for the production of milk and meat. We provide consulting services and project management services to our customers, train customer personnel, and perform installation, service, and maintenance of delivered equipment.
Our company is engaged in the supply of special technical equipment and spare parts from the best European and Asian manufacturers for enterprises associated with the metallurgical foundry. We have many years of mutually beneficial experience in implementation of partner companies for realization of structural projects in the industry.
We can offer customers a full range of services from the development of design documentation to the commissioning of a turnkey facility, complex solutions for the automation of casting technological processes, which can significantly reduce the cost, improve quality and shorten production time of products based on proven and well-proven solutions.
Elaboration and preparation of foundry production specifications together with the customer
Analysis of the range of foundry goods and development of processes for their production
Development of pre-project proposals and feasibility study of created production
Elaboration of production technology to the optimal scrap level
Development of the detail project of created production
Delivery and commissioning of foundry equipment
Training of customer personnel
Start of foundry production
Analysis of existing foundry production and development of proposals for its reconstruction
Improvement or replacement of foundry technology for a specific range of foundry goods
Modernization or replacement of foundry equipment
Use of modern foundry materials
Development of pre-project proposals and feasibility study for reconstruction of foundry production
Delivery and commissioning of foundry equipment